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Intumit (7547:TPEX), a company with over two decades of experience as a pioneer in enterprise conversational AI services, is teaming up with Idrasys, a cloud AI subsidiary under the Creek & River (4763:JPX) group, to release their next-generation conversational AI services in the upcoming month.

Intumit and Idrasys are excited to announce their partnership to leverage ChatGPT for aiding enterprises in expediting their digital transformation initiatives. ChatGPT, the large language model developed by OpenAI, will empower Intumit’s conversational AI services (SmartKMS and SmartRobot) with the state-of-the-art generative AI capabilities to enhance customer experience and optimize operational efficiency. The beta version will be released in Japan’s largest IT trade show in early April.

Idrasys has accumulated extensive experience in AI implementation and consulting across various domains such as foot traffic prediction, demand forecasting, revenue prediction, and transaction prediction, through its “Forecasting Experience” AI-powered predictive platform. In collaboration with Intumit, who has integrated OpenAI’s latest commercially available ChatGPT API and Whisper API for speech recognition into its enterprise conversational AI platform “SmartRobot”. This integration not only reduces training costs and accelerates implementation time, but also enhances users’ interaction experiences with various personalized conversation style. Furthermore, Intumit’ AI knowledge management system, “SmartKMS”, which leverages ChatGPT technology, not only enhances search accuracy but also improves the daily productivity of enterprise employees through its text generation capabilities.

Through the collaboration between Intumit and Idrasys, and the combined advantages of their respective products, enterprises can effectively utilize generative AI to accelerate their digital transformation and revolutionize the positive impact on employee productivity. This strategic partnership demonstrates Idrasys and Intumit’s commitment to providing innovative and valuable solutions to businesses seeking to enhance their operational efficiency and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Idrasys will showcase its latest AI and ChatGPT applications at the Japan IT Week exhibition from April 5th to 7th at Tokyo Big Sight. Interested companies are cordially invited to visit Idrasys’ booth to experience the cutting-edge AI technology and solutions and learn how AI can enhance their business results. Please visit the event website at for more information.

About Intumit URL:

Founded in 1999 and listed on the TPEX (Ticker: 7547), Intumit is a leading provider of conversational AI services in Asia. With deep expertise in AI/NLP technologies, Intumit helps businesses enhance customer engagement and employee productivity. To date, Intumit has assisted over 600 clients in the Asia-Pacific region in utilizing conversational AI for digital transformation. With offices in Tokyo, Beijing, and Seattle, Intumit actively embraces the global cloud ecosystems to expand its cutting-edge conversational AI services to the international market and pursue sustainable growth.

About Creek & River URL:

CREEK & RIVER Co., Ltd., incorporated in 1990 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. provides comprehensive rights management, production, and agency services. With over 30 years of experience, the company offers a wide range of professional services, including copyright and content distribution management, IT consulting, web application and smartphone application development, and web advertising services. In addition, the company provides community medical peripheral and employment support services. With a focus on innovation, CREEK & RIVER plans, develops, and operates new products and services, including AI-based systems and game content.

About Idrasys URL:

Idrasys, a subsidiary of C&R established in 2018, has made significant strides in the field of AI technology. With the development of their cutting-edge “Forecasting Experience” AI prediction platform, Idrasys has become a leading provider of innovative AI data analytics solutions. Additionally, Idrasys is also an important distribution partner for Intumit’s “SmartRobot” conversational AI in the Japanese market.


深耕對話式人工智慧技術20餘年的Intumit股份有限公司(7547:TPEX)以下簡稱Intumit),攜手在日本經營專業服務代理網絡的CREEK & RIVER集團(4763:JPX公司名:株式会社クリーク・アンド・リバー社;公司總部:東京都港區;社長:井川幸広,以下簡稱C&R)旗下的AI雲端服務公司Idrasys(公司名:株式会社Idrasys;公司總部:東京都港區;社長:田村智宏)合作,將在Intumit所開發的AI知識管理系統「SmartKMS」與AI對話機器人「SmartRobot」的基礎上,提供整合生成式AI 技術ChatGPT的服務,並計畫於4月公開Beta版產品。

Idrasys已在其所開發的AI預測平台“Forecasting Experience”中積累了人流預測、需求預測、業績預測和交易預測等多方面的AI導入和諮詢經驗。這次Intumit透過與Idrasys攜手合作,將Intumit最新整合OpenAI最新開放商用的ChatGPT API以及語音辨識Whisper API的最新產品進行發表。其中,對話機器人產品「SmartRobot」透過結合ChatGPT,預計可大幅降低導入所需的時間與成本,更能讓機器人的對話更加多元而有溫度,提升使用者的互動體驗;而搭載ChatGPT技術的AI知識管理系統「SmartKMS」,不僅能提升搜尋的精準度,透過ChatGPT的生成型AI也可以在許多員工日常的工作流程中提供協助,大幅提升員工生產力。透過和Idrasys的合作,結合彼此產品與業務的優勢,能進一步協助企業善用各項AI技術加速數位轉型,進而對提升企業決策品質與營運成果帶來革命性的正面影響。

Idrasys即將在4月5日至7日於東京Big Sight舉辦的Japan IT Week展覽會(活動網址:中展示Intumit最新的對話式AI相關產品與整合ChatGPT技術的創新服務,有興趣的企業敬請抽空到Idrasys的展位參觀,體驗最新的AI技術與解決方案,並了解如何善用最新的AI技術促進企業數位轉型,提升經營績效。

關於Intumit 企業URL:


關於C&R 企業URL:

C&R社自1990年創立以來,在包括影像、遊戲、網頁、廣告、出版、作家、醫療、資訊科技、會計、法律、建築、時尚、飲食、電腦科學、生命科學、舞臺藝術、CXO、運動員和農業等18個領域,網羅了34.5萬名專業人士,分成Right Management(知識產權計劃開發與流通)、Produce(開發外包)、Agency(派遣和介紹)三大事業提供服務。未來C&R將繼續構建一個讓專業人士能夠充分發揮能力的環境,本著「提高專業人士的生涯價值」與「為客戶創造價值」的宗旨,集結專業人士的智慧,以一個商業創新公司為人們的幸福做出貢獻。

關於Idrasys 企業URL:

Idrasys是C&R的子公司,成立於2018年。Idrasys開發了自己的AI預測平台“Forecasting Experience”,提供AI數據分析解決方案。此外也代理了Intumit的AI智能機器人服務“SmartRobot”在日本銷售。